Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ferg's Friday Five

5 things I love about Glory in honor of her 1st birthday today.

1. She loves to sit in things and laugh in anything from a plastic wagon to a plain ole wicker basket

2. She has learned to bring you things when she picks them up off the floor instead of eating them if you ask her to, and then you can tell she is so proud of herself.

3. My little daredevil, she has learned when she is on something soft like the bed or couch she can sit or stand up and fall back on her back or fall forward to her stomach and it doesn't hurt, also could be scary if she missed.

4. I don't have to worry about her being to girly she hates bows along with anything else in her hair.

5. She is a really good sleeper, she sleeps around 12 hours every night and has been since she was about 4 months old.


  1. I cannot believe that she is already a year old. It just seems like yesterday we were all at the hospital. Love, M

  2. I LOVE Glory! I SO can't believe she's 1. My how time flies!
